Business Continuity Plan
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Business Continuity Plan

We’ve established emergency recovery plans that’ll go into effect immediately in the unlikely event our corporate office experiences a major disaster, such as a flood or earthquake. Follow the guidelines below in the event of a disaster.

Affected Support Services

Major disasters could impact these authorization support systems:

  • Electronic claim submission system
  • Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system

Procedures to Follow During a Major Disaster

Please follow these guidelines if a disaster impacts our corporate office:

  • Call VSP at 800.615.1883 and follow the recorded instructions. We’ll update them as needed.
  • For procedural questions, check the appropriate section in this manual.
  • Modified Authorizations—If the greeting instructs you to give “modified authorizations,” please follow this procedure:
  1. Provide exam services to your patient. Explain that VSP’s experiencing a business interruption and you can’t obtain an authorization for services. Tell your patient that, unless you receive full authorization, they may have out-of-pocket expenses that you can’t confirm until later.
  2. Have your patient sign a Patient Responsibility Statement. You can find an electronic copy under the Patient Education area in the Administration section on VSPOnline at eyefinity.com. Collect deductibles (if known).
  3. Materials should be held until you are able to confirm eligibility and benefit information. Obtain the authorization and notify the patient of any out-of-pocket expenses incurred upon confirmation of coverage and prior to ordering materials.
  4. When systems become available for obtaining authorizations, you may submit the exam and materials using the original date of service through eClaim using the backdated authorization process.


Follow this process to get authorizations during our recovery phase only. Please use the electronic claim submission system when it becomes available for you to get authorizations.