VSP Privacy Commitment
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VSP's Privacy Commitment

Our Privacy Commitment

All VSP employees, upon employment, get privacy and security training and agree to abide by our “Confidentiality of Information” policy. Our policy explains the importance of protecting the confidentiality of medical records, personal information, insurance claims and other materials. Violating this policy can lead to disciplinary action up to and including termination.

Medical Directors, Optometry Directors, Clinical Consultants, and Clinical Committee Members also get Privacy and Security training. They must sign a Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality Statement.

Any patient specific or Protected Health Information is confidential. This information is shared only with people who have a need to know and authority to get such information, as explained above.

We’ll only use and disclose patient Protected Health Information when needed to coordinate vision care treatment, to disclose information to the patient’s employer/plan sponsor to the extent permitted by law, for payment and healthcare operations, or as required or permitted by law.

Our legal department reviews any court order or subpoena for disclosure of confidential information to determine the order’s legitimacy, the reason for disclosure, and limitations on information disclosed.

All patient information is stored for the amount of time required by law and company policy in locked files accessible only for the above reasons.

System stored patient information is protected by system security measures block unauthorized access. We’ve also implemented security policies and procedures required by HIPAA. We currently employ industry-standard, system-security measures to protect electronically stored and transmitted information.

Our network doctors’ offices must maintain confidentiality and guard patients’ Protected Health Information against loss, defacement, tampering, or use by unauthorized people. The contracted doctor’s office must maintain a policy of confidentiality for patient medical record information.

If we uncover a confidentiality violation by a network doctor, either through an onsite visit or a complaint/grievance, our Quality Assurance Committee and our staff determine steps needed to restore confidentiality. We consult our Human Resources department if one of our employees was involved in violating confidentiality.

Our Notice of Privacy Practices will be provided to any member, client, or network doctor on request

Confidentiality and Security on vsp.com

We respect the privacy of our website users. We don’t collect personal information from anyone who simply visits our website.

Patients who enter personal information should know all communication between their computers and our Web servers is encrypted using secured server technology (SSL). Our secure server software is the industry standard and among the best software available today for secure transactions.