Use of The VSP<sup>®</sup> Name and Logo
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Use of The VSP® Name and Logo

According to either the Network Doctor Agreement on file with VSP, or the Limited License Agreement entered into between you and VSP, VSP granted you a nonexclusive, nontransferable, limited and revocable license to only use the mark “VSP” and the registered VSP logo(s) in accordance with the guidelines set forth in this PRM, and in connection with, the your activities in providing eyecare services and materials (“Limited License”.) This Limited License is only valid upon VSP’s receipt of a Network Doctor Agreement signed by you and upon VSP’s final credentialing approval of you.

How to Use the VSP Name and Logo

You can use the registered service mark “VSP®” and our registered logo (the “VSP Marks”) as long as you have a valid Network Doctor Agreement and/or Limited License Agreement with VSP.

The Limited License granted to you permits you to use the VSP Marks for advertising inside your office or on your website. Use on social media or external advertising in any form requires VSP’s consent. You may not use the VSP Marks on any permanent exterior signage.

Which Logo Should I Use?

Download one from VSPOnline at eyefinity.com.

Use of VSP’s Name and Logo

Follow these guidelines to ensure you stay in compliance with other VSP specifications, policies, and applicable approvals.

Smaller Ads and Promotions

These types of ads and promotions do not require VSP review and pre-approval before they run:

  • Business cards or letterhead (only if promoting “VSP® members welcome”)
  • Value or promotional pack discount mailings
  • In-office supplies (e.g., posters, brochures)
  • Print and online ads (e.g., Yellow Pages, newspaper, practice website)
  • Marketing and promotional materials (e.g., reminders and referral mailings, newsletters)

Larger, Mass Media Ads, and Promotions

Larger signs, ads or promotions require VSP approval before installation or being made visible to the public. Complete an Ad Approval Request form and submit it to VSP with the plans and specifications of your sign or ad.

How to Use the VSP Name

Always include the ® symbol on the first reference to VSP in text, showing that it’s a registered service mark. For example:

  • VSP® members welcome
  • VSP® network provider
  • VSP® Vision Care


All VSP payments will be made by EFT, also known as direct deposit. Network doctors must be enrolled in order to receive payment. Doctors can enroll their practice online or by contacting Customer Service at 800.615.1883.

Things to Remember:

Only use the full-color, all-white, or all-black logo provided.

  • On color paper, use only the all-white or all-black logo. For Yellow Pages and newspaper advertisements, use the all-black logo only.
  • Don’t duplicate the logo stock typefaces or modify the logo in any way.
  • The logo and all text within the logo, including the “Vision care for life” tagline, must be legible.
  • When using the VSP logo on your website, you can link it to vsp.com.
  • When using the logo in your print or online materials, you can proportionately resize it, but it can’t be any smaller than one-half inch in height.
  • The space around the logo should be free from other graphics or messages.
  • The minimum clear space around the logo must be equal to the height of the “p” in VSP.
  • Always consult your designer/printer to ensure correct formatting.

The Following Actions are Restricted

  • Don’t include the VSP logo on any sign that includes anything other than the doctor’s name and or name of the optometry practice.
  • Don’t use the VSP logo with slogans, messages, pricing, or written statements or promises.
  • Don’t use the VSP name or logo in advertisements that contain any statement of price or offer of discounts (e.g., $25% off, “free sunglasses with any purchase,” or “two pairs of glasses for the price of one.”)
  • Don’t send mail to employees of a VSP client.
  • Don’t use the term “Vision Service Plan” or other VSP trademarked assets. You may only use VSP or VSP Vision Care when referring to your network participation.
  • Don’t use the VSP name and/or logo more than twice in a single media (e.g., the same advertisement, newsletter article, mailing, etc.)
  • Don’t refer to clients contracted with VSP (e.g., “Employees of ABC Inc. are accepted here.”)

A Few Words from Our Legal Department

The marks “VSP,” “Vision Service Plan,” “Vision Care for Life”, “VSP Vision Care” our registered logos and other VSP trademarked assets (the “VSP Marks”) are registered or common law marks owned by VSP. Unauthorized use of VSP Marks may violate your Agreement with VSP.

Violation of your signed Agreement could result in monetary penalties, the revocation of your license agreement and/or VSP terminating its contract with you.

If your contract with VSP is terminated, you must immediately remove all references to your VSP network participation.

For questions or more information, please call 800.615.1883 or email: providernetworkdevelopment@vsp.com.