VSP Vision | VSP
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NOTE: This manual remains the sole and exclusive property of VSP®. The information contained in this manual is confidential and proprietary, and the VSP network provider is granted a limited personal and nontransferrable license for use of the content of this manual during participation on the VSP network. The contents of this manual may not be used, copied, and/or reproduced for any other purpose, or disclosed and/or disseminated to any third party for any purpose whatsoever, without the prior written consent of VSP. If, for any reason, the manual recipient no longer participates on the VSP network, the doctor hereby agrees, and is directed, to immediately destroy this manual, all copies, and any and all amendments and addenda that may be issued by VSP from time to time.

choice network manual Table of content

VSP Choice Plan

Client Details and Programs

VSP Choice Plan® Lens Enhancements Charts

Choice Exam Plus Plans

Exam Plus Savings Plan

VSP Choice Access Plan

VSP Vision Savings Pass